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Couture Your Life

A Boujee Lifestyle Blog

Couture Your Life is a lifestyle blog, that  gives you a different take, view and idea of how life can be. So grab a glass of wine, take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting, and feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project together, want more information and or just want to chit chat about life and all of it's beautiful adventures. If you like what you see subscribe below to get emails for the next post.

  • Writer's pictureNicole Taylor Fultz

Who Needs a Therapist When You Have a Great Friend.

How many of you guys have really great girlfriends... you know the really close best friends, the kind you can spend all day on the couch with, go out dancing with all night or walk around just running errands and shopping. The one’s you see once every few months but pick up right where you left off because your friendship is just that strong. I have a handful of those. I am so blessed and thankful for them too. One of those girls for me happens to be the reason why this blog started. Her name is Lexi, she’s a #bossbabe DIY and lifestyle YouTuber who kills the "girls run the world" game, the kind of fearless honest adventure buddy you need, and everyone wishes they had. I just got to spend that last week with her visiting, walking around and exploring San Diego, just spending quality time and the entire time I was just grateful. Grateful that people like her exist. See good friends are hard to come by, especially for a blunt, outspoken loud mouth like me. I can be somewhat harsh for some people… if this is your first time seeing or reading me stay awhile you’ll catch a glimpse. I envy people like Lexi who can be both silent and have such a presence at the same time. Who love with their whole heart and spend actual quality time with the people she values most. Over the last year I’ve worked on putting more effort into my relationships with friends, family members and with my significant other. I want them to know they are what I value most. I work hard at that every day, something I see her do with such ease and effort. I started focusing on people’s love languages how they want to receive and how they want to give love, then I would alter our relationship accordingly. I’ve put a lot of time into allowing my friends to be themselves, to know that they are my tribe, my people and always my cup of tea. I want them to know that they never have to be something they aren’t with me which is why learning the love languages of those around your makes such a drastic change to your relationships. By doing this you are putting such value into those people that will be there for you through all your stormy days and the sunny days life has to offer. Friends like Lexi aren’t work. She accepts me with all my faults, imperfections and whether or not I am having a good day or a bad one. She is who I work towards when being a friend. I want people to feel about me the way I feel about her. I feel that relationships are a huge part of our mental health. We as Mom’s need those people we can be ourselves with, who don’t take work to be around. We have to be on our game all the time the last thing I want as a Mom is when I’m with my girlfriends is to have to work at being around them. I don’t want to work to be on for them. To me a marriage, a long-term relationship or being a Mom those are work. We have to work at those everyday most of the time 24 hours a day, so when my friends get together, or I go out for those 1-2 night timeframes to get away from my reality I want a friend or friends I can simply just “be” with. No show, no high school over the top drama. I want the kind of friends I can sit on the couch eating ice cream with. Spend my very limited time having a drink out on the town enjoying their company kind of friends. Friends who understand that we are Mom’s first, wives/girlfriends second family members third, and finally at the end of all those activities and busyness has brought we get to be friends. Choose your friends, choose the people who bring you life, bring you energy and give you life at the end of a really bad day. Lexi is an absolute beautiful friend inside and out. Choose people you want your kids to admire, you want to grow with, cry with and most importantly laugh with. Choose the people who give you happiness because if nothing else your friends should be the joy you search for when your husband has left the cup in the same spot for a week, when Fortnite has taken over your son’s brain and your dog hair is making the funk in your car funky. Always look for the tribe of your mis fitted people who let you run free and then and only can you truly be supported, happy and say your people understand you for you.

****For those who want to check out more about my amazing friend/bossbabe check out her Instagram @Lex.Ferrante and YouTube Channel Lex Ferrante, trust me when I say she’s going to guide you through all areas of life.******

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