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Couture Your Life

A Boujee Lifestyle Blog

Couture Your Life is a lifestyle blog, that  gives you a different take, view and idea of how life can be. So grab a glass of wine, take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting, and feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project together, want more information and or just want to chit chat about life and all of it's beautiful adventures. If you like what you see subscribe below to get emails for the next post.

  • Writer's pictureNicole Taylor Fultz

My Why

So today is my first post ever! Bear with me as we learn the ropes and journey through this together! It’s the beginning of October. So that means it’s the start of fall and the end of the year. We have three months left for the year, for me that means I have three months left until I turn 30. Something I have been avoiding my entire life. I know you are probably thinking I am crazy, 30 is the new 20, 30 is the fun years! 30 is the time of your life. I have no desire to turn 30. For me, a lot of things changed in my 20’s I didn’t have the “normal” 20’s everyone else did, by the time I turned 20 I was already a Mom, a single one at that. I didn’t go away to college I went to a JC. I still am working on college so don’t worry Momma’s you are not alone! I got really sick with a major chronic illness. Met the friends who mean the absolute world to me and I met the man who chooses every day to be my person. Life is what happened to me while in my 20’s I can understand why a normal person might have a lot of regrets, but I don’t I lived for those times, ALL OF THEM. People say spend your 30’s doing all the things you couldn’t do in you 20’s, I have a different outlook. I live every day to the fullest. So, 30 just seems overrated at this point. Which leads me into this blog, I have always had a desire to speak my mind, share my life with others and give advice to those who asked. I have always had an odd way of living life freely, to the fullest and constantly wanting to explore and see what all I could get out of this one life we have because to me if done right once is enough. I also surprisingly never planned nor wanted to be a mom. Especially at 19. So, when a conversation with my two girlfriendsstarted at a lunch and ended with them saying how much they admired my parenting style, leading them to saying I needed to start a blog. Surprised and then AWKWARD would be my best description.What do you do when your best friends say, "you are such a great mom"... "we love your mommy style"? “you need to write about how you parent, it’s so awesome and I admire it so much” … well when one happens to be an amazing YouTuber you take her advice and you say thank you…. and then second guess every choice you've ever made as a parent. You do that because that’s when the anxiety sets in, wondering is this Momming thing something I really am good at? Is it just because I have been winging for a really long time that things have just worked out? Or are they right and I really am someone to get advice from for the most important job anyone can ever have. You always hope that you are doing it “right” but then again who defines the right way of doing this thing called motherhood or life for that matter? Sure, there are manuals, there are your parents which you might or might not want to follow, you can read blogs, take advice from others, the list goes on... I personally choose to continue to do what works for us and hope in the end I end up with a decent human being, who succeeds in life. I am a firm believer that what works for me most likely won’t work for you, I don’t think it will even work for my next child, but if you are still here then you are here for something so might as well give you what I can. We lead our parenting style is a strict child led parenting... you're totally wondering what that is right? Yeah me too... I came up with that at the lunch table with my girlfriends when they told me I needed to start this blog… so I’ll explain best I can... we lead by an example that we all have choices we make as people; each choice then has a reaction whether positive or negative is up to you and your choice. I guide from the heart with respect always. We will always respect everyone in all situations from all walks of life. You have absolutely no idea what someone else is or has gone through, so everyone deserves respect. I want to experience life with my family and look back one day and say wow that was fun, I want my son to know he is a responsible member of society and always a kind human first, I want to never forget to travel the world, and most importantly I want to guide people to see that there is a lot more to the world than what is directly in front of you and sometimes a new outlook, a different approach, a bigger picture is all it takes to give you a completely different outlook on your day, your experiences, your life. I have a thirst for adventure, a love for all things Disney and travel, love exploring our home of San Diego and will continue to share this adventure we all call life with you.

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