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Couture Your Life

A Boujee Lifestyle Blog

Couture Your Life is a lifestyle blog, that  gives you a different take, view and idea of how life can be. So grab a glass of wine, take some time to explore the blog, read something interesting, and feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate on a project together, want more information and or just want to chit chat about life and all of it's beautiful adventures. If you like what you see subscribe below to get emails for the next post.

  • Writer's pictureNicole Taylor Fultz

Fight for the fairytale, it does exist.

Do you guys ever get so excited when your significant other or in my case Boyfriend takes your kid or kids to their nightly practice and you get to turn off the tv, grab your wine, throw your jams on and cook dinner the way dinner is meant to be cooked…like it’s a party? No just me? Hmm…Well maybe try it out it’s a great little solo dance party. I guess I should start #nationalboyfriendday by saying I love being alone, I also love that, my boyfriend is ok with that. I don’t mean alone as in that alone in the quiet or meditate kind of alone… I mean the I am a survivor and I can get through this life alone. I’ve only ever needed one person, He’s 10 years old now and almost done admitting to the fact that he needs me too but before Mark, Nicolas was the only person my soul needed. Mark is a rare breed. The kind of guy who went out into life fought two tours in two war zones in the USMC and now deals with my drama kind of rare breed. He’s the kind of person an alone person’s soul calls home. The one who travels the world and never settles anywhere except in the arms of him. Sounds cliché, and a bit like a fairy tale love, right? Which some would say we have… I am more of realest and admit he annoys me more often than not and I contemplate on a nightly basis whether I’d miss him enough the next day to end his snoring permanently. Nicolas and I had it rough before Mark. I was a single Mom worked 7 days a week and went to school full time. Thanks Mom and Dad and then cue Prince Charming… some would say. I jumped on his lap at our best friend’s wedding and said he was my boyfriend… he denied he ever met me before I had no previous knowledge of meeting him called him the wrong name multiple times throughout the night including introducing him to his own parents…and from then on, we did a long-distance relationship until he moved back home so we could do a real one. I was never the settle down type... any and all of my friends who are currently reading this are rolling their eyes and laughing because I was their guru giving relationship advice in a “do as I say not as I do” sort of way. So, when he told me he loved me on our first official date after long distance for months, I knew I was a goner. With Mark I know I am going to laugh for the rest of my life, and to me there is nothing more important in life than to laugh and to laugh often. About 8 months into our relationship I got the kind of sick most people walk away from, the kind of sick most people never walk again from and there was Mark, every single day. Telling me how I was going to get through this, how he was in this for the long run. You have to remember here I already had baggage, I already came with a lot of loose ends and I was already work, now to add in more, why is this guy still here? What is wrong with him that he is still here after all of my issues? But that was the answer. We all come with baggage. We all have flabby parts and wrinkles we hide away for no one to see. We will all one day show parts of ourselves to someone else that even they will not be afraid to look at, and that’s when you know. That’s when you know you have found your person. Its not the wakes you up with coffee and brushed teeth after letting you sleep in person (if you get this please comment because he insists this isn’t real and I beg to differ). Life isn’t the Instagram family who looks perfect on the gram all the time, then you feel the tension in the room when you see them in real life either. Reality is no matter how broken you think that you are, there is always someone willing to put your broken parts back together again. I am so lucky Mark is my person. I am so grateful he does half the things someone else walked away from by choosing to be here. I am forever thankful that he is the person my son gets to look up to, take guidance from and grow to become a decent human being and may be one day a dad from. He chooses us at the end of every single day and for that I can never say thank you enough. Never stop fighting for the fairy tale, it does exist. If you feel like I did, needing to be free in the world then be free. Find who you are, stop looking for Mr. Right, who knows maybe when the planets align, when the path is right and most importantly when you are both ready to choose each other, you’ll jump on his lap and have a really great story to tell your grandkids.

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